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About Us


Thank you for your interest in volunteering for one of our many events.
Volunteers are a vital and essential part to our Non-Profit organization. We have many areas for you to choose from to volunteer. Please fill out the contact form. Thank you for your interest in becoming a USA HANDS volunteer.  Please specify if there is a position or area which you are interested in.

Water Stations: hand out water to runners on the course

Registration Table:  help hand out pre-registered race numbers and t-shirts 

Refreshment distribution (Post Race Food): hand out food and drinks to runners after crossing the finish line

Course Monitors: direct runners on the course


Set up and clean up



 I received needed food because my light were shut off and the food spoiled. I received food plus utility assistance. 

Blaire Family

Me and my dog BOTH received food. 

Jimmy & Buster

My family received a free clothing voucher because the end of the year is always a hard time for my family.

Garcia Family

Veteran Assistance

Sacramento Veterans

Our mission at USA Hands is to serve, honor, support, empower, and thank our veterans, and military families.

We provide support, and assistance to veterans through job placement assistance programs, vocational training  scholarships, mentoring, food, clothing, toiletries, shoes, socks, hand warmers, encouragement, and friendship.